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Good food and healthy diet: these topics are in high demand over and over again among many of my friends and clients. “Caroline, a little advice?” – I get this a lot. I’d love to say no – because a little advice just doesn’t cut it. These are topics that in my opinion need to be addressed as a school subject, and as soon as in primary school. Just like they learn writing and arithmetic, children should learn how the digestive system works, which foods have what impact, what it means to eat well – and above all, how fun and delicious the latter is.

This is the reason why I love speaking jobs. Workshops and seminars, big firms or small groups of friends, colleagues or families – I deeply enjoy every opportunity to share my knowledge.

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Since recently, the Trainers Excellence network represents me as a speaker; and I think it’s praiseworthy that health and wellbeing have found their place on such platforms next to management and career advice.

Find me at: http://www.trainers-excellence.de/referenten-themen/kategorie/detailansicht-redner-englisch/caroline-bienert.html

Caroline Bienert - Speaker + Nutrition Expert © 2024.

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    Caroline Bienert - Nutritionist

    سيكون من دواعي سروري ان تتصلوا بي للاتفاق على موعد للتعارف وتبادل المعلومات. الموعد الاول هو موعد للتعارف وهو مجاني. بالنسبة للصحافة والشركاء الرجاء الكتابة على عنوان الايميل: presse(at)carolinebienert.com.

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