Included is your shopping list for eight days of smoothies, and your recipes! Because really, there’s no better use for juicers and juicing than smoothies, is there? They’re delicious, filling, and sometimes they even remind us of that childhood milkshake that, though it didn’t contain matcha, made us feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Now we’re grown-ups with slightly more grown-up palates, and while we love a real milkshake every now and again, we’re usually able to substitute the straight Domino sugar with blueberries. It seems high time to start getting back into smoothies smoothies. They are wonderful because they allow you to feel cleansed and full and at the same time.

Get yourself back in shape with my one-week green smoothie program.

Make your first free-­of-­charge, 15-­minute nutrition consultation via Skype/phone here.

Read more in my eBook.

For an individual detox treatment please click here.

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    Caroline Bienert - Nutritionist

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